Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kick That Summertime Sickness to the Curb!

There’s nothing worse than getting a cold this time of year.  The combination of chest congestion and hot weather seems to confuse your body far more than a winter bug would.  But there’s light at the end of the tunnel–light from a sunny beach and poolside fun!  The answer to health and happiness could be hiding in your car.

-SUCK IT UP! Itchy, watery eyes?  Trouble breathing?  Cough?  Could be dust mites.  You know the importance of preventing them in your home–remember to do the same for your car’s interior by vacuuming regularly.

-CLEAN THE VENTS!  Pollen builds in your car throughout the year–especially in the spring when everything is blooming.  Combat sneeze attacks by cleaning the vents in your ride every time you clean your car.

-STIFLE GERMS AT THE SOURCE!  700 different kinds of bacteria can be found inside cars. Only 60 types are found in the average public toilet.  Add it all up and what do you get?  Antibacterial wipes.  In the car.  At all times.

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