Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring Clean your Car!

March is just a day away, and with at least slightly warmer temperatures creeping in, now is the time to start thinking about spring cleaning! Follow these tips for the best car for the busy spring and summer seasons!

1. Clean out the trash.

2. Vacuum and Shampoo the Interior.

3. Swap your tires if you have winter tires.

4. Ditch winter windshield wipers.

5. Replace the air filter.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why do you love your Chevy?

What's Love Got To Do With It? Everything.

Here's some reasons why we love our Chevy's.

1. They get us where we need to go.

2. It fits our style. You bought your car for a reason. It's so you!

3. It's functional. You may have a Chevy with lots of storage space for the family on the go, or you could love it's technology. Either way, it really helps you out.

4. It's your escape. You can just hang out in your car if you choose to. It's so comfortable!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don't Ignore Car Maintenance!

Something that we’ve learned from professional mechanics is that neglecting the proper maintenance and service for your car is the leading cause of mechanical issues. This includes many high cost repairs. Here’s a short list of some of the worst things you could be doing to your vehicle that you should be avoiding:
  1. Ignore the Check Engine Light
  2. Neglect Regular Maintenance
  3. Have Improper Tire Pressure
  4. Let Vehicle Run Low on Fluids
  5. Using Generic Replacement Parts
  6. Ignore Transmission Issues
  7. Not Changing the Oil
  8. Leaving a Dirty Air Filter
  9. Using Unqualified Mechanic